CRP migration
Author: Ian L. Rodrigues
Download: CRP migration
Version: May 9th 2016
CRP Migration is a 2-D time migration that uses the Common Reflection Point transit time. The program is divided in two stages: the first stage estimates the CRP parameters, velocity and angle, while the second stage stacks the data using the estimated parameters. The stages are divided so one can process or create the parameters sections with other methods before stacking.
The code has a complete execution example for a horizontal plane. It can be tested by simply executing the "example. sh" in the root directory of the project. Furthermore, to see some documentation for the program, you can execute the binaries "crpmigpar help" and "crpmig help".
- T.A. Coimbra, J.H. Faccipieri, and M. Tygel: CRP time migration. 18th Annual WIT Report 2014, p.231-241.