The ultimate goal of the WIT Consortium is a most accurate and efficient target-oriented seismic modeling, imaging, and inversion using elastic and acoustic methods.
Exploration and reservoir seismics aims at the delineation of geological structures that constrain and confine reservoirs. It involves true-amplitude imaging and the extrapolation of the coarse structural features of logs into space. The goals on seismic resolution are constantly increasing which requires a complementary use of kinematic and wave equation based techniques in the processing work flow. At WIT we use a cascaded system of kinematic and full wave form model building and imaging techniques. Since our data and inversions are never perfect it is the challenge to find those techniques which produce the best images for erroneous velocities and faulty wave forms.
- Multi-parameter stacking and inversion of PP and PS
- Diffraction processing
- Macromodel determination
- Seismic image and configuration transformations (data mapping)
- True-amplitude imaging, migration and inversion
- Seismic and acoustic methods in real media
- Passive monitoring of fluid injection and production
- Fast and accurate seismic forward modeling
- Modeling, imaging and inversion in anisotropic media
- Full wave form inversion
- Reverse time migration
If you are interested in more details, the current research plan of WIT is available here.